WordCamp Chicago 2011

So I just got back home from the first day of Chicago’s WordCamp 2011 held at the lovely Depaul University in downtown Chicago. Man, what a great experience - I just love the inspiration and the idea sharing that goes on at these conferences.

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Adding a redirect link from a post (or page)

I just had a client request that for his home page posts that were being displayed, have them link instead to a permanent page. The type of content that they were linking to was longer term and the posts that were being displayed were created just as excerpts.

1 min read

get_template_part and Custom Templates

In building the Centegra physician directory back in WordPress 3.0, there was no real way to use WordPress to display out a listing or archive of your custom posts. The temporary workaround solution was a little plugin I found called Simple Custom Post Type Archives’. It worked well and all I had to do was create a file in the theme’s directory in the format type-custompostslug.php.

1 min read

Displaying a custom header based on URL

So I recently ran across a situation on Centegra’s website where I had set up our header image to show an image based on the section or area it’s in. This was working fine utilizing a custom get_ID_by_slug('slug-of-post') function I built to get the post ID.

1 min read